reading time: 1 min.

Töre Loses, Tries to Manipulate Official Records in Speaker Election

Töre Loses, Tries to Manipulate Official Records in Speaker Election

In the fifth round of voting for the Parliamentary Speaker in the General Assembly, Zorlu Töre, the candidate of the National Unity Party (UBP), lost with 25 votes against, 23 in favor, and 1 invalid vote. Despite his defeat, Töre claimed that, as the only candidate, the result meant he had been elected Speaker, and he attempted to declare himself as such before closing the session.

Publish Date: 11/10/24 13:55
reading time: 1 min.
Töre Loses, Tries to Manipulate Official Records in Speaker Election
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In an unprecedented move, Töre took the legal record of the parliamentary session and attempted to alter it, trying to declare himself as the elected Speaker from the podium. Opposition MPs vocally objected to his announcement.

Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Erhan Arıklı, addressed the media, stating that a written opinion from the Attorney General's office would be sought regarding the situation. This statement sparked a verbal exchange between opposition MPs and Arıklı, with the opposition maintaining that the outcome was clear and there was no need for further legal consultation.

CTP MP Sami Özuslu shared the parliamentary record with the press, which explicitly confirmed Töre's defeat. The document clearly stated that the candidate had lost the vote, putting the controversy to rest in the public eye.

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