reading time: 1 min.

UBP MP Yasemin Öztürk's Contradictory Statements on Disputed Ballots

UBP MP Yasemin Öztürk's Contradictory Statements on Disputed Ballots

UBP MP and Parliamentary Bureau Member Yasemin Öztürk made contradictory statements regarding disputed ballots during two different television programs. Initially, Öztürk claimed that all three ballots contradicted the 'secret ballot, open count' principle but later stated that only two were invalid.

Publish Date: 07/11/24 14:14
reading time: 1 min.
UBP MP Yasemin Öztürk's Contradictory Statements on Disputed Ballots
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During a morning appearance on Haber Kıbrıs Web TV, Öztürk said that ballots with double stamps violated the 'secret ballot, open count' principle, emphasizing that, as a lawyer, she could not support something she deemed incorrect.

Later, speaking via phone on BRT, she stated, “My personal opinion is that there are two invalid votes. I found one to be valid.” Öztürk added, “The issue should have been brought before the Bureau the same day. A decision on the objections, either positive or negative, was needed. In my view, there are two invalid votes and one valid one.”

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