reading time: 2 min.

Two Separate Fires Cause Property Damage in Nicosia and Kyrenia

Two Separate Fires Cause Property Damage in Nicosia and Kyrenia

Two separate fires broke out yesterday in Nicosia’s Organised Industrial Zone and in a Kyrenia apartment, leading to property damage.

Publish Date: 14/11/24 13:58
reading time: 2 min.
Two Separate Fires Cause Property Damage in Nicosia and Kyrenia
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According to a statement from the Police Press Office, the fire in the Nicosia Organised Industrial Zone occurred at around 4:30 p.m. in the paint-drying area of a business. The incident was triggered when a paint-drying machine ignited paper on a vehicle, which then spread to fibreglass materials. The fire, which was extinguished by fire crews, resulted in damage to the spray booth’s sandwich panels and the exhaust fan motor within the duct system.

In Kyrenia, a fire broke out at an apartment on Özgür Street at approximately 5:30 p.m. The blaze started when the electrical wiring of a kitchen extractor fan short-circuited and caught fire. The fire service promptly extinguished the flames, but not before the interior of the extractor fan and the kitchen cabinet door were burned. The intense heat caused the kitchen ceiling to become smoke-stained and led to the crumbling of plaster.

Police stated that investigations into both incidents are ongoing.

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