Ziya Öztürkler Resigns as Speaker of the Assembly

Ziya Öztürkler has resigned from his position as Speaker of the Assembly following a controversy involving multiple stamps on the ballot paper during the election for the speakership. The issue had placed Öztürkler at the center of debate, leading to his decision to step down.

In a statement shared on his social media account, Öztürkler announced that he resigned to facilitate the budget discussions and to put an end to the ongoing disputes.
His statement read as follows:
"To the Public:
I assumed the role of Speaker of the Assembly following the General Assembly decision dated October 18, 2024.
Immediately after, I participated in significant state representation events for both our country and our motherland, including the October 29th celebration of the Republic of Turkey’s founding and the November 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
The situation that has developed in the Assembly is well known to all. To pave the way for the crucial budget discussions and to end the ongoing debates, I am resigning from my position as Speaker of the Assembly of the TRNC of my own volition.
I hope my decision will be met with understanding by my party leader, the UBP administration, those who voted for me as Speaker, and our citizens.
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