reading time: 2 min.

Öztürkler: Budget Requires Fiscal Discipline and Effective Oversight

Öztürkler: Budget Requires Fiscal Discipline and Effective Oversight

Parliament Speaker Ziya Öztürkler emphasized the necessity of strict fiscal discipline and effective oversight in the 2025 budget during his opening speech at the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Finance, Budget, and Planning.

Publish Date: 19/11/24 14:19
reading time: 2 min.
Öztürkler: Budget Requires Fiscal Discipline and Effective Oversight
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Highlighting the significance of state budgets as political tools for implementing government fiscal policies, Öztürkler noted that they represent a social contract between the government and the public, ensuring the proper collection and expenditure of public funds.

He stated that the 2025 State Budget Bill, approved by the Council of Ministers, was submitted to Parliament on October 31, 2024, in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution. The bill has been prepared as part of a three-year strategic budgeting framework, covering projections for 2025, 2026, and 2027.

Öztürkler outlined the budget's structure, noting the total amount approved by the Council of Ministers as 136.28 billion TL, with a projected deficit of 17.62 billion TL. The general budget comprises the largest share, while 11.96 billion TL has been allocated for special-budgeted administrations, regulatory institutions, and off-budget funds.

He commended the inclusion of revenue-enhancing and expenditure-reducing measures in the proposed budget and stressed the importance of oversight to ensure public confidence. The budget deliberations at the committee level are expected to conclude within seven days, after which the proposal will be forwarded to the General Assembly.

Concluding his speech, Öztürkler thanked all participants in the budget preparation process, expressing hope for a successful and efficient fiscal year in 2025.

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