reading time: 1 min.

Smuggled Goods Seized in Nicosia: Two Arrested

Smuggled Goods Seized in Nicosia: Two Arrested

Anti-Narcotics and Smuggling teams seized 463 kilograms of dried fish and 276 kilograms of prohibited potatoes during operations in Nicosia. Two individuals were arrested in connection with the smuggled goods.

Publish Date: 22/11/24 13:28
reading time: 1 min.
Smuggled Goods Seized in Nicosia: Two Arrested
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According to the police, inspections conducted at 12:30 on November 21 uncovered 430 items of untaxed food products, 463.2 kilograms of dried fish, and 276.6 kilograms of banned potatoes at a business owned by A.D. (51).

During the same operation, untaxed personal care and cosmetic products were found in the possession of M.T.A. (31). The seized items were taken as evidence, and both individuals were taken into custody.

The investigation remains ongoing.

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