reading time: 1 min.

TÜRK-SEN Leader Opposes Government's Move on Collective Bargaining Rights

TÜRK-SEN Leader Opposes Government's Move on Collective Bargaining Rights

Arslan Bıçaklı, President of the Turkish Cypriot Workers' Trade Union Federation (TÜRK-SEN), has strongly criticized the government for attempting to intervene in collective bargaining rights through legislative changes.

Publish Date: 22/11/24 14:13
reading time: 1 min.
TÜRK-SEN Leader Opposes Government's Move on Collective Bargaining Rights
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In a written statement, Bıçaklı declared, "We will never accept any interference in the current collective bargaining system," warning that they are prepared to exercise all legal actions, including strikes, if the government insists on this course of action.

"The government is trying to amend the law to interfere with the collective bargaining system that has been in place for years under the Collective Bargaining, Strike, and Referendum Law," Bıçaklı stated. "We will not tolerate any attempts to undermine the rights won through the hard work and relentless efforts of employees."

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