reading time: 2 min.

Winds Exceeding 118 km/h Gradually Subside

Winds Exceeding 118 km/h Gradually Subside

Meteorology Department Director Sinan Güneş reported that wind speeds exceeded 118 km/h in Serdarlı, Mallıdağ, and Kaleburnu yesterday.

Publish Date: 25/11/24 13:36
reading time: 2 min.
Winds Exceeding 118 km/h Gradually Subside
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“The storm-like winds will gradually subside, and weather conditions are expected to normalize this afternoon,” he told the Turkish News Agency Cyprus (TAK). Temperatures are predicted to rise slightly from tomorrow.

High Wind Speeds Across the Region
Güneş shared data from meteorological stations, noting that severe winds (103-117 km/h) were recorded in Esentepe Deniz, Kalkanlı, Alsancak, and Mağusa Deniz, while other regions experienced wind speeds ranging from 50 to 100 km/h.

Cause: Sudden Temperature and Pressure Changes
He attributed the strong winds to abrupt changes in temperature and pressure, describing the 118 km/h winds as equivalent to "hurricane force" on the Beaufort scale, a rare occurrence in the country.

Cold Temperatures Persist
Temperatures remain 6-7°C below seasonal norms. Today will also be cold, similar to yesterday, Güneş said.

Warmer Weather Ahead
Starting tomorrow, temperatures are expected to rise to seasonal averages of 20-23°C, with no rainfall anticipated for the next 3-4 days.

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