reading time: 1 min.

Fifth Hearing of İsias Hotel Case Set for Tomorrow

Fifth Hearing of İsias Hotel Case Set for Tomorrow

The fifth hearing in the İsias Hotel trial will take place tomorrow, December 3, at the Adıyaman 3rd High Criminal Court. Families of the victims, including the "Champion Angels," continue their quest for justice in Adıyaman, where the tragedy unfolded.

Publish Date: 02/12/24 13:42
reading time: 1 min.
Fifth Hearing of İsias Hotel Case Set for Tomorrow
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The hearing, scheduled for 10:00 a.m., will address the deaths of the Champion Angels, tour guides, and the injuries of 10 survivors. Families of the victims, along with Turkish Cypriot Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, several ministers, MPs, political figures, members of the Ad-Hoc Committee monitoring legal and judicial proceedings related to the earthquake, representatives of the Bar Association, and journalists, will attend the session.

A delegation of approximately 100 people is set to travel to Adıyaman via Gaziantep to observe the proceedings.

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