reading time: 1 min.

Next Hearing in İsias Hotel Case Scheduled for December 24

Next Hearing in İsias Hotel Case Scheduled for December 24

The sixth hearing in the İsias Hotel case is set to take place on December 24. Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, speaking about the case, emphasized the profound sorrow of losing children and noted that this tragedy has united the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) in seeking justice for the first time.

Publish Date: 03/12/24 16:23
reading time: 1 min.
Next Hearing in İsias Hotel Case Scheduled for December 24
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The sixth hearing in the İsias Hotel case is set to take place on December 24.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, speaking about the case, emphasized the profound sorrow of losing children and noted that this tragedy has united the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) in seeking justice for the first time.

Addressing reporters outside the Adıyaman Courthouse, Üstel said, "These children are our children. We will never forget the pain of losing them. To honor their memory, we entrust this case to the justice system of the Republic of Turkey to ensure those responsible are held accountable."

Üstel confirmed that the defendants remain in custody and reiterated the upcoming court date.

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Levent Kutay
Levent KUTAY'dan

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