reading time: 2 min.

Esendağlı: "Prosecutor’s Decision to Limit Charges a Serious Misstep"

Esendağlı: "Prosecutor’s Decision to Limit Charges a Serious Misstep"

Following yesterday’s developments in the Isias Hotel trial in Adıyaman, Bar Association President Hasan Esendağlı highlighted significant points regarding the prosecutor’s approach.

Publish Date: 04/12/24 13:39
reading time: 2 min.
Esendağlı: "Prosecutor’s Decision to Limit Charges a Serious Misstep"
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Esendağlı criticized the prosecutor's decision to maintain charges at the level of "negligence with conscious recklessness" despite attributing severe faults to the defendants, calling it "the prosecutor’s latest invention."

He noted that the prosecutor's opinion was presented prematurely, as the expert report had not yet been discussed in court. Esendağlı explained that both the defense and the victims' lawyers requested additional time to respond, making it clear from the morning that the trial would be postponed for these responses.

Expert Report Objections Rejected
Esendağlı emphasized the importance of the court's interim decision to reject all objections by the defendants’ lawyers to the expert report. Additionally, the court ruled to inquire about the fate of public officials involved through correspondence with the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office.

The court indicated that the next hearing could be a decision session, potentially spanning two days. Esendağlı commented, “Whether a decision will be announced on December 25 or delayed remains to be seen.”

The Isias Hotel case continues to draw attention as families and legal representatives push for accountability and justice following the tragic collapse during the February 2023 earthquake.

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