Parliament Begins Deliberations on 2025 Budget
The General Assembly of the Republic's Parliament commenced discussions on the "2025 Fiscal Year Central Government Budget Bill" today. The initial focus is on the budgets of the Presidency and the Parliament.
According to the session announcement signed by Parliamentary Speaker Ziya Öztürkler, the fourth meeting of the Assembly began at 10:00.
The session includes presentations by the Presidency, followed by the reading of the Committee Report on the 2025 Budget Bill by Committee Chair Resmiye Eroğlu CANALTAY. Finance Minister Özdemir Berova will open the debate on the report and the overall budget with a keynote speech.
After discussions on the bill’s entirety, item-by-item deliberations will begin. The first budgets to be reviewed are for the Presidency, allocated 619.5 million TL, and the Parliament, with 574.35 million TL. The total proposed budget for 2025 is 136.94 billion TL.
The program for budget discussions beyond today will be determined during the session. The Budget Bill was previously reviewed over eight meetings by the Economy, Finance, Budget, and Planning Committee between November 19-28 before being submitted to the General Assembly.
Last week’s session was not held due to proceedings related to the Isias Hotel case.
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