PM Üstel: "We Will Appeal After the Reasoned Decision Is Announced"
Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, following the verdict in the İsias Hotel case, stated, "We will appeal after the reasoned decision is announced." He also expressed partial satisfaction with the sentences handed down.
Speaking about the aftermath of the February 6 earthquake in Adıyaman, Üstel said, "Since the catastrophic disaster in our motherland, the Republic of Türkiye, we have always been present in Adıyaman... Today marks our sixth visit to Adıyaman."
While noting his partial satisfaction with the sentences, Üstel emphasized, "We will appeal after the reasoned decision is announced. We will continue to follow this case until justice is fully served and consciences are at ease. Although this trial has concluded, our work is not yet finished."
The reasoned decision is expected to be announced in a month.
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