Karakaya: "These Are Just the First Sentences; They Will Remain Behind Bars"
Following the verdict in the İsias Hotel case, Ruşen Yücesoylu Karakaya, President of the Champion Angels Association, stated, "These are just the first sentences... They are in prison, and they will stay there."
Karakaya emphasized that they would take the necessary steps with their lawyers, saying, "If this court did not recognize the intent of probable malice, the higher court will."
She reaffirmed their commitment, declaring, "We made a promise to our loved ones, and we will keep that promise."
Calling the decision "heart-wrenching," Karakaya said, "We retrieved our children and loved ones from beneath a pile of rubble. We told them, 'You killed our children.' We proved it in every possible way. We know the higher court will see these truths. These people will never see the light of day. These murderers will set an example, and they will not be able to kill any more children. We will continue our fight and do whatever is necessary."
Meanwhile, Bar Association President Hasan Esendağlı noted that six defendants were sentenced for "conscious negligence," while five were acquitted.
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