Bıçaklı: New Minimum Wage Must Be Determined Urgently
TÜRK-SEN President Arslan Bıçaklı has emphasized the urgent need for a new minimum wage to be set.
Bıçaklı stated that recent significant price increases on consumer goods have led to a nearly 60% decrease in the purchasing power of workers, retirees, and especially those living on the minimum wage, effectively condemning them to hunger.
He also pointed out that, due to the cost of living increases at the end of the year, salary improvements are expected for high-ranking officials, including the President. "What is the government waiting for to restore the purchasing power lost by minimum wage earners?" Bıçaklı asked.
He urged the Minimum Wage Commission to meet urgently to determine the new minimum wage, which should come into effect on January 1, 2025.
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