reading time: 1 min.

Fugitive Suspect Turns Himself In After 583 Days on the Run

Fugitive Suspect Turns Himself In After 583 Days on the Run

Rahman Khan, a suspect who had been living illegally in the country for 583 days, turned himself in to the police, stating that he wanted to return to his home country. Khan, who had been residing unlawfully in the TRNC, was arrested and brought to court yesterday.

Publish Date: 25/12/24 13:26
reading time: 1 min.
Fugitive Suspect Turns Himself In After 583 Days on the Run
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Police officer Kenan Mulla presented the facts in court, stating that on December 23, the suspect approached the Nicosia Criminal Division and expressed his desire to return to his home country.

Mulla revealed that a border control check confirmed Khan had been staying illegally in the TRNC since May 25, 2023, for a period of 583 days. The suspect was arrested for violating immigration laws, and an investigation was launched. Mulla added that further statements would be taken from the civil immigration office, and additional time was needed for deportation procedures, requesting a three-day extension.

In court, Khan explained that his mother was ill and that he wished to return to his country.

Judge Nuray Necdet, after considering the testimony, ordered that the suspect remain in custody for an additional three days.

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