Erhürman Applauds Union Protests, Criticizes Government Policies
Republican Turkish Party (CTP) leader Tufan Erhürman expressed his support for the protests organized by over 30 unions, criticizing the government's handling of economic and social issues.
In a social media statement, Erhürman highlighted significant financial losses linked to government decisions, including "millions of dollars lost due to non-tender fuel purchases at KIB-TEK and millions of euros in damages from an additional contract at Ercan Airport." He added that these were only two documented examples and pointed to further damage in sectors such as industry, tourism, and construction.
Erhürman accused the government of failing to address economic and financial challenges, stating, "Their solution? Undermine constitutional rights by eliminating the right to strike, weaken collective bargaining rights, and manipulate cost-of-living adjustments. This only further erodes the purchasing power of everyone, from minimum wage earners to social security retirees."
The CTP leader also criticized deteriorating public services, unchecked population growth, traffic fatalities, and the weakening of strategic sectors and capital ownership. "Every day, it becomes harder to access public education and healthcare. Producers are driven out of production, and control over strategic areas is rapidly changing hands," he said.
Referring to the youth and brain drain, Erhürman lamented, "Children are making plans to emigrate. Bright young people studying abroad bury their longing for home and family, never returning. Parents and grandparents cannot ask them to come back because there is no future here. Even the wealthiest in this country cannot bring themselves to say they are happy."
Erhürman accused the government of prioritizing internal power struggles over governance, stating, "You fail to manage the country or even yourselves, yet you try to discredit and make invisible the protests of thousands fighting for their rights."
He concluded by pledging his support for the unions and protesters, asserting, "I wholeheartedly salute the protests and resistance of our unions and thousands of our people."
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