reading time: 1 min.

Özuslu: Government Preparing to Ban Strike by Parliament Workers

Özuslu: Government Preparing to Ban Strike by Parliament Workers

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Member of Parliament Sami Özuslu has claimed that the government is preparing to ban the strike of parliamentary workers.

Publish Date: 27/12/24 14:00
reading time: 1 min.
Özuslu: Government Preparing to Ban Strike by Parliament Workers
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Özuslu stated that the government is attempting such a move in order to push laws through the committee that would reduce the purchasing power of those on fixed incomes.

CTP members of parliament, along with union leaders and representatives, are waiting in the committee meeting room to observe the stance of the government and the National Unity Party (UBP) members of the committee. In a statement on social media, Özuslu expressed, "As CTP members of parliament, we stand together with our unionist friends."

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