YDP Party Assembly to Convene on January 25

Re-Birth Party (YDP) leader and Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Erhan Arıklı, announced that the party assembly will convene on Saturday, January 25.

Following the recommendation of the Expanded Party Assembly (High Advisory Board) to withdraw from the government during the weekend meeting, the final decision will be deliberated during the party assembly session.
In his statement, Arıklı emphasized that government operations would continue uninterrupted until the meeting.
His remarks included:
“Dear YDP Members,
Our Party Assembly will convene on Saturday, January 25, to evaluate the recommendation made by the High Advisory Board.
Until that date, our Presidential Board members and the General Secretary, together with District Presidents, will visit our organizations as part of the scheduled program to consult with members.
Government work will proceed without interruption, and our colleagues will refrain from making public statements about the process until the meeting.
Ultimately, the Party Assembly will make the best decision for our party.
Respectfully announced..."
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