reading time: 2 min.

CMIRS Survey: Only 14.91% Believe the Country is Heading in the Right Direction

CMIRS Survey: Only 14.91% Believe the Country is Heading in the Right Direction

A survey conducted by the Migration, Identity, and Rights Studies Center (CMIRS) in December 2024 revealed that only 14.91% of respondents believe the country is on the right track. The survey, involving face-to-face interviews with 500 participants, assessed Turkish Cypriots' perceptions of political trust, social confidence, personal self-esteem, and happiness.

Publish Date: 13/01/25 11:50
reading time: 2 min.
CMIRS Survey: Only 14.91% Believe the Country is Heading in the Right Direction
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CMIRS Director Mine Yücel highlighted alarming findings, noting that only 13.62% of respondents feel they have any influence over decisions in the country. Trust in the government was recorded at just 11.4%, with satisfaction with the government slightly higher at 14.6%. Additionally, a significant majority believe that injustice, partisanship, corruption, and bribery are widespread.

Yücel argued that these results point to the urgent need for a new social contract. Citing Rousseau, she remarked, “The corruption of nations largely stems from their institutions.” She emphasized that issues such as the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the Cyprus Problem, lack of justice, corruption, and partisanship have strengthened the perception that equality does not exist in the country, eroding citizens’ sense of agency over their future.

This environment of despair and hopelessness, according to Yücel, underscores the depth of societal dissatisfaction. She called for structural reforms guided by the principles of justice and the rule of law, stating, “The country’s politics and institutions must be rebuilt with a focus on societal benefit. Justice must be reinstated, and politics must serve the public good.”

Yücel warned that the current situation is unsustainable, stressing the need for visionary leadership capable of addressing societal concerns. “Only a leadership that takes the public's anxieties seriously and offers solution-focused governance can lift this country from its current state,” she concluded.

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