reading time: 1 min.

Rogers: Masks Should Be Mandatory in Hospitals

Rogers: Masks Should Be Mandatory in Hospitals

Independent MP Jale Refik Rogers has called for the imposition of a mask mandate in hospitals, as seasonal flu cases rise both globally and within the country.

Publish Date: 13/01/25 13:35
reading time: 1 min.
Rogers: Masks Should Be Mandatory in Hospitals
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In a statement, Rogers emphasized the importance of protecting individuals with compromised immune systems, suggesting that the Ministry of Health’s Infection Control Committee should enforce a mask requirement for hospital visitors and patients attending outpatient clinics.

Rogers shared her full statement as follows:

"In line with the increase in seasonal flu cases globally and in our country, the Ministry of Health's Infection Control Committee should implement a mask mandate for visitors to hospital wards and patients visiting outpatient clinics to protect individuals with compromised immune systems."

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