reading time: 1 min.

Simon Aykut’s Trial Postponed to January 27

Simon Aykut’s Trial Postponed to January 27

The trial of Turkish-Jewish land developer Simon Aykut, who was arrested in early June and is accused of occupying Greek Cypriot properties in the occupied regions, has been rescheduled by the Nicosia Criminal Court for January 27 at 9am.

Publish Date: 13/01/25 14:08
reading time: 1 min.
Simon Aykut’s Trial Postponed to January 27
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Time to speak with her client was requested by Aykut’s defence. Maria Neophytou, the defence lawyer, said she did not have enough time to talk to her client about the indictment, the answers they would give, and the decisions on the appeals that were filed.

She added that a specialist doctor who travelled from England for that purpose examined her client with the prosecution’s assistance, and the results are still pending.

The request for a postponement was not opposed by the prosecution.

Simon Aykut will remain incarcerated.


Source: Cyprus Mail 

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