Zeki Çeler: "Will Our Agenda Be Peace or Weapons?"
Leader of the Communal Democracy Party (TDP), Zeki Çeler, criticized the United States' decision to lift the arms embargo on South Cyprus, describing the move as "provocative" during a period when new crossing points and peace talks are being discussed.
In a written statement, Çeler emphasized that this decision undermines efforts to build trust for a peace and negotiation process. "At a time when discussions about opening new crossing points are underway, lifting the arms embargo is a deliberate and provocative act," he said.
Çeler questioned the priorities of South Cyprus, stating, "As we anticipate talks in March and the beginning of a peace process to establish a climate of reconciliation in Cyprus, will we instead be discussing the lifting of arms embargoes? Is this really going to be our agenda?"
He urged the South Cyprus administration to abandon what he called "provocative and chauvinist approaches" and focus on the forthcoming negotiation process.
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