reading time: 1 min.

Arıklı Comments on Quorum Issue: "We Would Have Cut Our Meeting Short if We Knew"

Arıklı Comments on Quorum Issue: "We Would Have Cut Our Meeting Short if We Knew"

Erhan Arıklı, Leader of the Re-Birth Party (YDP) and Minister of Public Works and Transport, commented on the quorum issue in the Parliament and the subsequent postponement of the session. Arıklı emphasized that the situation was "strange" and confirmed that YDP deputies would be present in the Parliament tomorrow.

Publish Date: 20/01/25 14:36
reading time: 1 min.
Arıklı Comments on Quorum Issue: "We Would Have Cut Our Meeting Short if We Knew"
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Arıklı explained that the YDP deputies had informed Group Deputy Chairman Ahmet Savaşan at 11:30 AM that they would be late due to a condolence visit and the Presidential Board meeting. Reflecting on past occurrences where the Parliament had convened later in the day, Arıklı stated that they had expected this session to open in a similar manner.

He pointed out that in recent weeks, the Parliament had started late for various reasons, and the UBP and DP had previously opened the session with 27 deputies. Arıklı added that if they had known the quorum issue would arise, they would have cut their meeting short to attend the session.

The session was initially delayed for 15 minutes due to quorum issues, and then postponed until tomorrow. Arıklı described this as "strange" but assured that YDP deputies would be present on time tomorrow to ensure quorum.

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