reading time: 1 min.

Fake Document Case: Şaziye Saldun Sentenced to 4.5 Years in Prison

Fake Document Case: Şaziye Saldun Sentenced to 4.5 Years in Prison

Şaziye Saldun, accused of preparing and circulating forged documents while working as an accountant at her husband’s business was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison by the Nicosia Heavy Penal Court.

Publish Date: 21/01/25 13:15
reading time: 1 min.
Fake Document Case: Şaziye Saldun Sentenced to 4.5 Years in Prison
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The court, chaired by Füsun Cemaller, with Senior Judge Vedia Berkut Barkın and Judge Tutku Candaş, delivered the verdict, announced by Barkın.

Saldun faced 36 charges related to preparing fake documents claiming the company had no debts to the Tax Department, Provident Fund, and Social Security Department, despite existing liabilities. These documents were used to renew worker permits.

Judge Barkın emphasized that forgery and circulation of forged documents are serious crimes with penalties of up to 10 years in prison. The court noted the six-year delay in the preparation of the case file, which was considered in Saldun’s favor.

Highlighting the prevalence of forgery crimes and their impact on public interest, the court unanimously sentenced Saldun to 4.5 years of imprisonment.

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