reading time: 1 min.

Those Responsible for Fire Disaster Will be Held Accountable: Erdoğan

Those Responsible for Fire Disaster Will be Held Accountable: Erdoğan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has vowed that those responsible for the fire disaster at a ski resort will be held accountable.

Publish Date: 21/01/25 15:26
reading time: 1 min.
Those Responsible for Fire Disaster Will be Held Accountable: Erdoğan
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“All necessary steps are being taken to shed light on all aspects of the incident, and to hold those responsible accountable,” President Erdoğan said during the Justice and Development Party (AKP) meeting in Ankara on January 21.

Erdoğan kept his address short due to the nation-wide felt sorrow over the fire incident in which 66 people were killed and 51 injured, in one of the largest fire disasters in Turkey’s history.

“We have received very sad news,” Erdoğan said and offered condolences to the nation.

Erdoğan informed that he instructed interior, health and culture ministers as well as all other relevant governmental institutions to coordinate works for extinguishing the fire and to save all the people in the hotel.


Source: HDN 

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