reading time: 2 min.

Six Lives Lost in Traffic Accidents Over One Week

Six Lives Lost in Traffic Accidents Over One Week

Six individuals lost their lives in traffic accidents in the TRNC last week, according to the Police General Directorate.

Publish Date: 22/01/25 13:35
reading time: 2 min.
Six Lives Lost in Traffic Accidents Over One Week
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A total of 76 accidents were reported, with five resulting in fatalities, 16 involving injuries, and 55 causing property damage. The fatal accidents claimed six lives, while 16 people were injured in the accidents involving injuries.

Speeding Tops the List of Causes

Of the accidents, 22 were caused by speeding, 14 by careless driving, 18 by failure to stop at junctions, 12 by tailgating, and 10 by other factors.

The accidents caused an estimated damage of 4,122,014 TL, with 16 occurring in Nicosia, 21 in Famagusta, 24 in Kyrenia, six in Omorfo, and nine in İskele.

Traffic Inspections Lead to Arrests and Vehicle Bans

During nationwide traffic inspections, 14,253 drivers were checked, and 2,502 were reported for violations. Authorities banned 229 vehicles from traffic and arrested nine drivers.

The breakdown of traffic violations is as follows:

  • Speeding: 841
  • Speed violations detected by mobile systems: 166
  • Dangerous driving: 22
  • Careless driving: 36
  • Driving without a license: 15
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol: 74
  • Using a mobile phone while driving: 335
  • Driving without a seatbelt: 73
  • Ignoring traffic signs: 150
  • Violating traffic lights: 6
  • Operating vehicles without inspection: 84
  • Driving uninsured or outside the coverage area: 42
  • Operating without a "T" or "B" commercial license: 14 and 3 respectively
  • Applying obstructive window films: 24
  • Riding motorcycles without protective helmets: 5
  • Violating light regulations or driving without adequate lighting: 16
  • Other traffic violations: 502

The police emphasize continued enforcement efforts to ensure road safety.

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