reading time: 1 min.

KIEF Objects to Minimum Wage Increase

KIEF Objects to Minimum Wage Increase

The Cyprus Federation of Labor and Workers' Unions (KIEF) has submitted a formal objection to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security regarding the recent minimum wage increase.

Publish Date: 24/01/25 11:15
reading time: 1 min.
KIEF Objects to Minimum Wage Increase
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According to KIEF General President Güven Bengihan, the 7.5% increase in the minimum wage is insufficient compared to the 11.12% rise in the cost of living over the past four months, which he claims violates both the Minimum Wage Law and the Constitution.

Bengihan has called for the minimum wage to be recalculated, taking into account the cost of living and general economic trends, to ensure that workers can maintain a dignified standard of living.

This issue highlights the ongoing challenges faced by workers in keeping up with rising living costs. What are your thoughts on this situation?

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