reading time: 2 min.

Simon Aykut's Trial Postponed to February 6: Cancer Diagnosis Reported

Simon Aykut's Trial Postponed to February 6: Cancer Diagnosis Reported

The trial of Simon Mistriel Aykut, CEO of Afik Group, who is detained in the Republic of Cyprus for alleged involvement with Greek Cypriot properties, has been postponed to February 6th due to a defense request. It was reported that Simon Aykut has been diagnosed with cancer.

Publish Date: 27/01/25 13:18
reading time: 2 min.
Simon Aykut's Trial Postponed to February 6: Cancer Diagnosis Reported
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During today's hearing at the Nicosia High Criminal Court, the news site "" reported that Aykut's trial was postponed at the defense's request. The defense informed the court that Aykut is a cancer patient and requested additional time to consult with him regarding the response to the indictment.

The next hearing has been scheduled for February 6, and Aykut will remain in custody until that date.

Defense lawyer Maria Neofitu stated during today's hearing that she received official medical reports from England last night confirming Simon Aykut's cancer diagnosis. An English doctor has been called by the defense, with the prosecution's consent, to examine Aykut due to his health issues.

It was noted that Aykut had previously been examined by a doctor in the Greek Cypriot region, who found him to be in good health.

Neofitu explained that due to the recent development, she did not have time to discuss the procedure for the response to the indictment with her client. She requested additional time to consult with Aykut and to inform the prosecution of the new medical results.

The prosecution did not object to this request but insisted that Aykut remain in custody until the next hearing on February 6. The Nicosia High Criminal Court decided that Aykut would remain in custody until that date.

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