reading time: 1 min.

Minimum Wage Determination Commission to Convene Tomorrow to Address Union Objections

Minimum Wage Determination Commission to Convene Tomorrow to Address Union Objections

The Minimum Wage Determination Commission will meet tomorrow at 10:00 AM at the Ministry of Labor and Social Security to address objections raised by trade unions. According to the Ministry, the meeting will be closed to the press, and the results will be announced through a written statement.

Publish Date: 29/01/25 15:08
reading time: 1 min.
Minimum Wage Determination Commission to Convene Tomorrow to Address Union Objections
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In their January 17th meeting, the commission had set the minimum wage for the year at brutto 43,469 TL and net 37,818 TL. However, unions such as the Federation of Turkish Cypriot Workers' Trade Unions (Türk-Sen), Free Workers' Trade Unions Federation (Hür-İş), Turkish Cypriot Teachers' Trade Union (KTÖS), and Cyprus Workers' and Laborers' Trade Unions Federation (KIEF) argued that the new wage falls short of the cost of living and filed objections.

The Council of Ministers has taken these objections into consideration and referred the issue back to the commission for re-evaluation.

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