reading time: 2 min.

11.12% Increase in Social Security and Pension Payments

11.12% Increase in Social Security and Pension Payments

From January 1, 2025, there will be an 11.12% increase in payments for those receiving from the state budget. This increase will also apply to those receiving permanent income from occupational accidents and diseases insurance.

Publish Date: 29/01/25 15:14
reading time: 2 min.
11.12% Increase in Social Security and Pension Payments
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The Council of Ministers has approved an 11.12% increase for those receiving income from occupational accidents and diseases insurance, as well as for those receiving disability, old-age, and survivors' pensions, following the recommendation of the Directorate of the Social Security Department.

According to the decision published in the Official Gazette yesterday, calculations will be made under the Cyprus Turkish Social Security Law and the Social Security Law, and adjustments will be applied to disability and old-age pensions. Those receiving pensions from survivors' insurance will also benefit from the increase proportionately.

Additionally, an 11.12% increase will be applied from January 1, 2025, for those receiving payments from the state budget. The same increase will apply to those receiving permanent income from occupational accidents and diseases insurance.

It was stated that this increase would be covered by the Social Security Fund and the Social Security Fund, and if an additional budget is required, the Ministry of Finance will be authorized. The increase will be effective from January 2025.

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