reading time: 1 min.

Human Trafficking in Serhatköy... 7 Arrested

Human Trafficking in Serhatköy... 7 Arrested

Seven individuals were arrested in Serhatköy for human trafficking.

Publish Date: 30/01/25 14:27
reading time: 1 min.
Human Trafficking in Serhatköy... 7 Arrested
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On January 29, 2025, at around 20:30, passengers in two vehicles stopped for inspection by the Traffic Teams of the Güzelyurt Police Department were found to be involved in a human trafficking scheme. The passengers, identified as B.O.K. (M-25), B.I.O. (M-32), M.H.A. (M-42), B.E.F. (F-33), A.M.A. (M-28), E.G. (M-28), and F.O.N.M.I.A. (M-25), were interrogated further.

It was discovered that they had made a secret agreement with the drivers, C.K. (M-28) and S.C.R. (M-30), to be smuggled into the Greek Cypriot Administration area, paying a total of 1300 Euros and 300 US Dollars to the drivers. All individuals have been arrested, and the investigation is ongoing.

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