Stefanu: Negotiations Should Resume from Where They Left Off in Crans Montana in 2017
AKEL General Secretary Stefanos Stefanu stated that for the resolution of the Cyprus issue, negotiations should resume from where they left off in Crans Montana in 2017. Stefanu is reported to have held meetings in London.
Fileleftheros newspaper reported that during his visit to London, Stefanu met with the inter-party group in the UK Parliament, where he provided an update on the current situation of the Cyprus issue and shared his proposals on how to overcome the current deadlock and resume negotiations.
Stefanu noted that Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side have officially shifted to a two-state solution. He emphasized that resuming negotiations and having realistic possibilities for resolving the Cyprus issue can only be achieved by continuing from where the talks left off in Crans Montana in 2017.
According to the report, Stefanu stated that the agreements reached in Crans Montana should be preserved, and the pending issues within the Guterres Framework should be negotiated.
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