reading time: 2 min.

Özdil Nami: "No Leadership on Either Side to Break the Deadlock"

Özdil Nami: "No Leadership on Either Side to Break the Deadlock"

Former Turkish Cypriot negotiator Özdil Nami has expressed cautious optimism regarding the upcoming informal expanded meeting in March, despite the United Nations' (UN) past failures in Cyprus negotiations.

Publish Date: 10/02/25 13:49
reading time: 2 min.
Özdil Nami: "No Leadership on Either Side to Break the Deadlock"
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In an exclusive interview with Kathimerini, Nami voiced his disappointment over the UN’s handling of the deadlock, recalling that a solution was almost within reach in 2017, but efforts failed due to former Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Anastasiades.

Nami emphasized that the UN's unsuccessful attempts to restart negotiations following the Crans-Montana collapse have led to deep frustration and raised doubts about the viability of the negotiation framework. However, he suggested that the arrival of UN Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo presents an opportunity for the UN to take the right steps and adopt a more sincere approach toward both sides.

He stated that DiCarlo should convey to the Turkish Cypriots that the UN acknowledges their loss of confidence in the process but believes it can be restored. To the Greek Cypriots, she should emphasize that the status quo is unacceptable and that open-ended negotiations are not an option.

Discussing expectations for the March meeting, Nami remarked: "I fear that the stars have not yet aligned. There is no leadership on either side capable of breaking the ongoing deadlock. This means that significant external pressure will be necessary."

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