reading time: 1 min.

KSTU Investigation: Barış Sel's Trial Postponed to February 20

KSTU Investigation: Barış Sel's Trial Postponed to February 20

The trial of Famagusta Police Chief Barış Sel, who is being prosecuted without detention in the fake diploma case, has been postponed to February 20. Sel is facing trial as part of the ongoing “fake diploma” investigation at Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University (KSTU).

Publish Date: 12/02/25 14:29
reading time: 1 min.
KSTU Investigation: Barış Sel's Trial Postponed to February 20
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During today’s hearing at the Morphou District Court, presided over by Judge Gülay Uğur, Deputy Prosecutor Fatma Damdelen represented the Attorney General’s office, while lawyers Özen Yapıcı and Mustafa Uluğ from the Mustafa Asena Law Office appeared for the defense.

The court ordered the postponement of the case to Thursday, February 20, for indictment and preliminary investigation.

Meanwhile, Serdal Gündüz, the university’s general secretary and a shareholder, also appeared before the court as part of the same investigation. Gündüz will stand trial alongside the other defendants in all fake diploma hearings.

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Levent Kutay
Levent KUTAY'dan

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