reading time: 2 min.

Northern Cyprus Ranks 17th in Youth Unemployment in Europe with 14.9% Rate

Northern Cyprus Ranks 17th in Youth Unemployment in Europe with 14.9% Rate

Northern Cyprus ranks 17th among 29 European countries in youth unemployment, with a rate of 14.9%, while Southern Cyprus has a lower rate of 11.9%.

Publish Date: 12/02/25 14:30
reading time: 2 min.
Northern Cyprus Ranks 17th in Youth Unemployment in Europe with 14.9% Rate
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According to data compiled by Kıbrıs Postası from Trading Economics, youth unemployment remains one of the most pressing economic issues worldwide. When comparing youth unemployment data from the European Union (EU) with the 2023 Household Labor Force Survey results of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), it is evident that Northern Cyprus' youth unemployment rate is close to the EU average but varies significantly compared to certain countries.

Regional Unemployment Rates in Northern Cyprus

Unemployment rates vary across different regions of Northern Cyprus. According to 2023 data, the highest unemployment rate was recorded in Famagusta at 7.2%, while the lowest was in Nicosia at 2.3%.

  • Famagusta: 7.2%
  • Nicosia: 2.3%
  • Kyrenia: 5.5%
  • Morphou: 6.1%
  • Iskele: 4.0%
  • Lefka: 4.3%

Unemployment by Gender

  • Female Unemployment Rate: 5.8%
    • Youth Unemployment (15-24 age group): 17.5%
  • Male Unemployment Rate: 4.8%
    • Youth Unemployment (15-24 age group): 12.9%

Youth Unemployment in Northern Cyprus vs. Europe

  • Youth Unemployment in Northern Cyprus: 14.9%
  • EU Average: 15.9% (According to Trading Economics)
  • Lowest Youth Unemployment in EU Countries:
    • Switzerland: 2.8%
    • Germany: 6.4%
  • Highest Youth Unemployment in EU Countries:
    • Spain: 25.3%
    • Romania: 25.3%
    • Sweden: 23.4%

The 2023 Household Labor Force Survey by the TRNC Statistics Institute shows that overall unemployment in Northern Cyprus stood at 5.1%, with youth unemployment significantly higher at 14.9%.

While youth unemployment in Northern Cyprus remains at a concerning level compared to other European countries, it underscores the need for more effective policies by the government and relevant institutions to address this issue.

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