reading time: 2 min.

PM Üstel Visits Erenköy-Karpaz Municipality Following Hailstorm Damage

PM Üstel Visits Erenköy-Karpaz Municipality Following Hailstorm Damage

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel visited the Karpaz region, which was affected by a heavy hailstorm, to meet with municipal leaders and village headmen for updates on the damage and ongoing efforts. The visit was prompted by significant damage caused by hail in the Karpaz area early this morning.

Publish Date: 12/02/25 16:45
reading time: 2 min.
PM Üstel Visits Erenköy-Karpaz Municipality Following Hailstorm Damage
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During his visit to the Erenköy-Karpaz Municipality, Prime Minister Üstel met with the mayors of Erenköy-Karpaz and İskele municipalities, as well as the village headmen from the affected areas, to receive detailed information on the situation and the damage. The meeting was also attended by the Minister of the Interior, Dursun Oğuz, and the Head of the Disaster and Emergency Committee, Hüseyin Cahitoğlu.

In his pre-meeting statement, Prime Minister Üstel extended his condolences to the people of the region. He explained that the hailstorm occurred unexpectedly at 6:30 AM, with Yenierenköy as the epicenter, affecting surrounding villages as well.

Hail Depth Reaches 50 cm in Some Areas

Prime Minister Üstel highlighted that the hail depth reached up to 50 cm in some areas and 20 cm in others. He noted that roads passing through Yenierenköy and nearby villages were completely closed to traffic. Early this morning, in consultation with the mayors of Erenköy-Karpaz and İskele, as well as the İskele District Governor, equipment was sent to the region to clear the roads. Damage assessment work was also initiated in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the district governor’s office, and local village headmen.

Üstel remarked that Yenierenköy experienced the most severe hailstorm, with the hail still covering the ground despite it being midday. He added that he had received updates from the municipality, the district governor’s office, and Civil Defense, and that efforts were continuing. He assured that further information would be shared as the situation developed.

Prime Minister Üstel once again extended his well wishes to the residents of Yenierenköy, Sipahi, and Adaçay, who were most affected by the hailstorm.

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