reading time: 1 min.

Police Launch Investigation Into Massacre of 14 Wild Donkeys in Dipkarpaz

Police Launch Investigation Into Massacre of 14 Wild Donkeys in Dipkarpaz

A large-scale police investigation has been launched after 14 wild donkeys were found dead in Dipkarpaz.

Publish Date: 17/02/25 13:30
reading time: 1 min.
Police Launch Investigation Into Massacre of 14 Wild Donkeys in Dipkarpaz
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According to a statement from the Police Press Office, the incident was discovered yesterday at around 16:00, approximately 500 meters northwest of the Dipkarpaz landfill area. Police and Veterinary Department officials are working together to determine the cause of death.

Taşkent Nature Park confirmed via social media that the donkeys were shot at close range. The statement emphasized that the animals were victims of deliberate violence, noting that a pregnant donkey was killed while trying to give birth, along with its newborn.

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