reading time: 3 min.

Amcaoğlu: Lighting Issue Near İrmar Market Resolved

Amcaoğlu: Lighting Issue Near İrmar Market Resolved

Gönyeli-Alayköy Mayor Hüseyin Amcaoğlu announced that the longstanding lighting issue near İrmar Market on the Nicosia-Güzelyurt highway has been resolved.

Publish Date: 19/02/25 11:50
reading time: 3 min.
Amcaoğlu: Lighting Issue Near İrmar Market Resolved
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In a statement shared on social media, Amcaoğlu said they had taken action to address the issue, which had been a concern for the public for a long time.

"Following a call from the Highways Department, a meeting was held at our municipal service building with representatives from the Highways Department, KIB-TEK, and Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality. As a result of the meeting, all three institutions reached a consensus to prioritize the repair of lighting failures in the İrmar Market area along the Nicosia-Güzelyurt highway," Amcaoğlu stated.

He further explained that municipal teams, under the supervision of KIB-TEK, conducted a thorough inspection of all streetlights to identify the faults. "After days of intensive work, the issues were pinpointed," he noted.

Following this process, the Highways Department provided the necessary materials, KIB-TEK offered technical support, and municipal teams worked diligently to resolve the issue. "Thanks to this collaboration, the lighting problem in the İrmar Market area has been successfully resolved," Amcaoğlu said.

The mayor also emphasized that the same cooperative approach will continue for addressing other lighting malfunctions along the Nicosia-Güzelyurt highway.

"I sincerely thank all institutions, employees, and municipal teams who contributed to ensuring the uninterrupted provision of public services. In addition to fulfilling our commitment to improving lighting, we are also working on installing barriers to prevent pedestrians from crossing the road in an uncontrolled manner. Our efforts will continue to enhance public safety," he stated.

Amcaoğlu reiterated that cooperation between local administrations and institutions is crucial for ensuring public safety and well-being. "As Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality, we remain open to all forms of collaboration to improve the quality of life for our citizens, and we once again emphasize the importance of supporting local governments in their efforts," he concluded. 

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