reading time: 1 min.

Turkish Defense Ministry: Agreement Between Egypt and Southern Cyprus Is Null and Void

Turkish Defense Ministry: Agreement Between Egypt and Southern Cyprus Is Null and Void

The Turkish Ministry of National Defense has declared the agreement signed between Southern Cyprus and Egypt as null and void, stating that it infringes on the rights of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

Publish Date: 20/02/25 13:15
reading time: 1 min.
Turkish Defense Ministry: Agreement Between Egypt and Southern Cyprus Is Null and Void
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In a statement regarding the agreement, the ministry asserted: "Like other agreements that disregard the interests of Turkish Cypriots and restrict their rights, this agreement—one to which the TRNC is not a party—is null and void."

Defense ministry sources emphasized that the Greek Cypriot Administration (GCA) continues its policy of imposing faits accomplis to usurp the rights of the TRNC. "This agreement between the GCA and Egypt is a step that threatens regional stability and undermines efforts to resolve the Cyprus issue. As Turkey, we will not hesitate to exercise the powers granted to us by our guarantor status against activities by the GCA that threaten the security of Turkish Cypriots and the peace and stability of the island," the statement read.

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