reading time: 5 min.

Akansoy Responds to Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu: "CTP's Position is Clear"

Akansoy Responds to Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu: "CTP's Position is Clear"

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Secretary-General Asım Akansoy has responded to National Unity Party (UBP) Secretary-General Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu's claim that "CTP struggles to establish a consistent roadmap on the Cyprus issue," emphasizing that CTP's stance is clear. Akansoy reaffirmed that political equality is a non-negotiable principle in resolving the Cyprus issue.

Publish Date: 20/02/25 13:30
reading time: 5 min.
Akansoy Responds to Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu: "CTP's Position is Clear"
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Speaking on Canan Onurer ile Sabah Haberleri on Kıbrıs Postası TV, Akansoy dismissed Hasipoğlu’s remarks, stating, "I don't understand how he reached this conclusion. CTP's stance is clear. We advocate for a bizonal, bicommunal federation based on political equality and oppose separatism on the island."

"Political Equality is a Must"

Akansoy stressed that CTP's approach to the Cyprus issue has always been well-defined. "If there is to be an agreement, political equality must be ensured," he said. He emphasized that negotiations should be result-oriented and culminate in a referendum. "There should be a set timeframe for negotiations—whether three months, six months, or a year—but it should not be an open-ended process," he added.

He also stated that if the Greek Cypriot side were to withdraw from the table, the Turkish Cypriot side should secure certain gains, citing former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s 2004 report. "That report highlighted that 65% of the Turkish Cypriot community voted 'yes' for a federation, proving that they are not separatists," he said.

Akansoy ruled out the immediate recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) as a viable option. "If a new status is to be established, it will be shaped within the framework of UN Security Council resolutions," he noted. He also emphasized the importance of lifting economic and social embargoes and strengthening institutional ties with the European Union. In this regard, he called for greater representation of Turkish Cypriots in the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

"Lack of Preparation for Geneva Talks"

Akansoy pointed out that while the Greek Cypriot administration is actively preparing for the informal 5+1 talks scheduled to take place in Geneva in March, the Turkish Cypriot side has yet to make any preparations. "We don’t know who will attend, in what capacity, or for what purpose," he said, highlighting the uncertainty surrounding the process.

He reiterated that CTP remains committed to a comprehensive solution based on political equality and will continue its efforts toward this goal.

"Ersin Tatar's Policy Has Yielded No Results"

Akansoy criticized President Ersin Tatar’s policy of promoting sovereign equality and equal international representation for the TRNC, arguing that it has not produced tangible results.

He recalled that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had called for TRNC's recognition at the UN General Assembly and pursued intense diplomatic efforts in this regard, but these initiatives had not succeeded.

"Even Azerbaijan has not been able to open a cultural or trade office in the TRNC," Akansoy remarked. "While the U.S., Russia, and the U.K. have representative offices here, member states of the Organization of Turkic States have not been able to establish one. They told us, 'Let us proceed on this path and succeed,' but they have failed at every step. The Turkish Cypriot people have lost 4.5 years in this process, and that is a significant loss."

"Turkey’s Roadmap for the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East is Crucial"

Akansoy also touched on global geopolitical shifts, emphasizing their relevance to the Cyprus issue. He pointed to the Russia-Ukraine war, developments in the Middle East, and the Eastern Mediterranean’s strategic importance, arguing that these three regions require a new order to ensure economic stability.

Referring to the U.S. counter-strategy against China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Akansoy noted that former U.S. President Donald Trump had pursued policies to increase competition with China while strengthening ties with Russia. He concluded that Turkey's roadmap for the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East will play a decisive role in shaping the future of Cyprus.

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