reading time: 1 min.

House Fire in Lapta: Two Injured

House Fire in Lapta: Two Injured

A fire broke out in an apartment in Lapta (Lapithos) causing six window panes to shatter and injuring two people.

Publish Date: 21/02/25 13:42
reading time: 1 min.
House Fire in Lapta: Two Injured
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According to the police press office, the incident occurred at around 3:30 AM on Kılıçarslan Street. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined.

The fire damaged a sofa bed, a plastic table, and an air conditioner unit, while smoke blackened the walls of the residence.

Residents of the apartment managed to extinguish the fire before emergency services arrived.

The two injured individuals were taken to Kyrenia Dr. Akçiçek Hospital, where they received treatment and were later discharged.

An investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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