reading time: 1 min.

Furlas: Turkey Took One Step Forward, Two Steps Back in EU Accession Process

Furlas: Turkey Took One Step Forward, Two Steps Back in EU Accession Process

Lukas Furlas, a Member of the European Parliament from the Democratic Party of Cyprus (DISI), has claimed that Turkey’s EU accession process has been characterized by a pattern of moving "one step forward, two steps back."

Publish Date: 21/02/25 14:21
reading time: 1 min.
Furlas: Turkey Took One Step Forward, Two Steps Back in EU Accession Process
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Lukas Furlas, a Member of the European Parliament from the Democratic Party of Cyprus (DISI), has claimed that Turkey’s EU accession process has been characterized by a pattern of moving "one step forward, two steps back."

In a speech at the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Furlas stated that Turkey’s EU negotiations had experienced setbacks.

According to the Fileleftheros newspaper, Furlas referred to the report by the European Parliament’s Turkey Rapporteur, Nacho Sanchez Amor, which highlighted Turkey’s failure to fulfill its commitments. He argued that this failure contributed to the stagnation in Turkey’s EU accession process.

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