reading time: 2 min.

46.1 mln Counted in Iraq's First Census in 40 Years

46.1 mln Counted in Iraq's First Census in 40 Years

The final results of Iraq's first census in nearly 40 years released on Tuesday show the population has reached 46.1 million.

Publish Date: 25/02/25 14:55
reading time: 2 min.
46.1 mln Counted in Iraq's First Census in 40 Years
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In 2009, an unofficial count estimated the population at 31.6 million.

Iraqi officials have called the population count a milestone and said it will provide essential data for future planning and resource distribution.

Speaking at a news conference to announce the results, Iraqi Planning Minister Mohammed Tamim said the census “demonstrates the government’s determination” to improve conditions in the country.

The Iraqi government is trying to consolidate security improvements after decades of war and instability, and to develop the economy at a time of regional upheaval.

The census provides detailed insights into economic, educational and housing conditions, with separate breakdowns for Iraq as a whole and the semi-autonomous Kurdish region in the north.

In federal Iraq, some 70.2 percent of the population lives in urban areas, while the Kurdish urban areas comprise 84.6 percent of the Kurdish population. The Kurdish region also saw higher rates of employment with 46 percent of the population economically active, compared to 41.6 percent in federal areas. Children’s enrollment in primary school was 93 percent in the Kurdish areas versus 88 percent in Iraq.

However, federal Iraq saw higher rates of home ownership and access to potable water and state electricity.


Source: HDN 

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