reading time: 1 min.

Historic Cold: New Record Set at -6.2°C

Historic Cold: New Record Set at -6.2°C

Coldest day in 50 years! On February 25, 2025, Geçitkale recorded a historic low of -6.2°C, setting a new temperature record. Many other locations, including Vadili, Akdoğan, and Nicosia, also reported their lowest-ever temperatures.

Publish Date: 25/02/25 15:06
reading time: 1 min.
Historic Cold: New Record Set at -6.2°C
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The country experienced its coldest day in half a century, as the temperature in Geçitkale dropped to -6.2°C on February 25, 2025. This marks the lowest temperature recorded in the region within the 50-year period from 1975 to 2025.

The extreme cold was not limited to Geçitkale, as many weather stations across the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus also reported record-breaking temperatures:

  • Vadili: -3.9°C
  • Akdoğan: -5.7°C
  • Sandallar: -3.8°C
  • Kırıkkale: -5.5°C
  • Çayırova: -3.8°C
  • Nicosia: -5.3°C
  • Beyarmudu: -3.4°C
  • Salamis: -4.1°C
  • Çayönü: -3.4°C

These figures mark a historic cold spell across the country, breaking numerous local temperature records.

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