reading time: 1 min.

A Criminal Record Amnesty for TRNC Citizens

A Criminal Record Amnesty for TRNC Citizens

Yasemin Öztürk, Chair of the Legal Affairs Committee of the TRNC Parliament, announced that a criminal record amnesty is being prepared specifically for TRNC citizens.

Publish Date: 25/02/25 15:16
reading time: 1 min.
A Criminal Record Amnesty for TRNC Citizens
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Speaking on BRT, Öztürk explained that the amnesty is aimed at those with criminal records for minor offenses. She emphasized that individuals with minor convictions often face barriers to employment in both the public and private sectors. "We need to reintegrate these individuals into society," she said.

Öztürk added that the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) has been asked for proposals regarding this matter. Following the receipt of suggestions, the bill will be reviewed in the committee.

She clarified that the amnesty would focus on individuals convicted of battery and petty theft offenses (those who have received sentences of no more than one year). "We value the opportunity for everyone to have a second chance at life," Öztürk remarked, emphasizing the importance of giving individuals the chance to find employment and support their families.

Levent ÖZADAM'dan
Levent Kutay
Levent KUTAY'dan

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