reading time: 2 min.

Şahali: "Cyprus issue is entering an important phase"

Şahali: "Cyprus issue is entering an important phase"

Republican Turkish Party MP Erkut Şahali stated that Cyprus is entering an important phase, with an informal meeting set for March where both sides will come together. He highlighted the significance of this multilateral session, especially in the absence of an active negotiation process.

Publish Date: 25/02/25 15:44
reading time: 2 min.
Şahali: "Cyprus issue is entering an important phase"
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Speaking at the parliament Şahali emphasized that the Turkish side would bring forward a two-state solution based on sovereign equality, which deviates from the UN parameters, during the meeting. Şahali also recalled UN Security Council resolutions and provided his observations on the Cyprus issue and the ongoing negotiations.

Reflecting on the past 50 years of negotiations, Şahali pointed out that active talks regarding a federation had stalled in Switzerland, and a new political approach had emerged. He referred to the proposals made by President Ersin Tatar and Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu—such as the recognition of the TRNC, guarantees, and the two-state solution—as "confusing."

Şahali reiterated that the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) maintained a clear stance in favor of a federal solution. He stressed that political equality was non-negotiable.

He also mentioned that before the meeting, the Parliament should be properly informed, and preparations should be made. The goal, according to Şahali, is to establish a process with a mutually accepted timeline. He asserted that if the Turkish side was not the obstacle to this timeline, it was crucial to document what would happen next.

Finally, Şahali stated that the Cyprus Turkish people deserve strong leadership to reclaim their usurped rights, and emphasized their confidence in achieving this goal.

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