reading time: 1 min.

Match-Fixing Allegations: Hakan Törehan and Other Defendants Stand Trial

Match-Fixing Allegations: Hakan Törehan and Other Defendants Stand Trial

Hakan Törehan, the President of Değirmenlik Sports Club, and other defendants, who were implicated in match-fixing allegations in Cypriot football, appeared before the Kyrenia District Court on charges of money laundering and online gambling offenses. The case has been postponed to April 21, 2025.

Publish Date: 25/02/25 15:50
reading time: 1 min.
Match-Fixing Allegations: Hakan Törehan and Other Defendants Stand Trial
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Törehan, along with Berk Osmanlılar and Hülya Hacıoğlu, faced accusations including money laundering, facilitating paid gambling through electronic platforms, and allowing gambling over the internet. The allegations stemmed from their involvement in a match-fixing scandal that caused public outrage within Cypriot football.

Törehan, who previously had his membership suspended by the Cypriot Turkish Football Federation (KTFF), attended the hearing with his lawyer. He has faced charges and convictions for similar offenses in the past. The trial will continue with a new hearing scheduled for April 21, 2025.

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