reading time: 2 min.

Famagusta Mayor Honors Deceased Greek Cypriot with Gesture Across Boundaries

Famagusta Mayor Honors Deceased Greek Cypriot with Gesture Across Boundaries

Süleyman Uluçay, the Mayor of Famagusta, demonstrated an extraordinary act of respect and cross-boundary solidarity when he attended the funeral of a Greek Cypriot from Varosha (Maraş), who recently passed away. Uluçay, while at the funeral in Larnaca, brought sand from the deceased’s home in Maraş and placed it at the gravesite.

Publish Date: 25/02/25 15:52
reading time: 2 min.
Famagusta Mayor Honors Deceased Greek Cypriot with Gesture Across Boundaries
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The deceased's grandson, Pieros Karullas, shared this emotional moment on his social media account, expressing the significance of this gesture. He wrote:

"Today was my grandfather's funeral. At one point, Famagusta Mayor Dr. Süleyman Uluçay arrived with sand from our house in Maraş to bury my grandfather with sand from his home. He paused respectfully and, at the end of the ceremony, offered prayers in reverence. No matter how much you oppose, no matter how stubbornly you stand against it, the people of this island are building bridges with love and persistence. Because this man, the Mayor of Famagusta, saw this as his duty and fulfilled it. He went to Maraş, collected sand, and came to Larnaca to deliver it to us. Because pain and love do not recognize nationality or religion."

This act of compassion and respect highlights the enduring humanity that transcends political and historical divides on the island.

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