reading time: 1 min.

Four Arrested in Connection with Donkey Slaughter in Dipkarpaz

Four Arrested in Connection with Donkey Slaughter in Dipkarpaz

Four individuals have been arrested in connection with the killing of 16 donkeys in Dipkarpaz, according to a statement from the Police Press Office.

Publish Date: 26/02/25 13:52
reading time: 1 min.
Four Arrested in Connection with Donkey Slaughter in Dipkarpaz
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Police investigations revealed that in February 2025, unknown individuals shot and killed 16 wild donkeys in a wooded area near the village’s northern landfill site using a hunting rifle.

As part of the ongoing investigation, authorities detained D.D. (54) and U.D. (27) after discovering shotgun shells similar to those used in the incident in their possession. Additionally, T.K. (39) was arrested after police determined that the barrel of a registered firearm in his name was missing, while E.D. (41) was taken into custody for failing to produce a legally registered weapon.

The investigation is ongoing.

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